
Using Our Knowledge Base

Innovitality creates sustainable foods and beverages with superior nutrition and phenomenal taste. These reach the global marketplace as either proprietary products produced by Innovitality or through collaboration with major established brands.

Licensing Our Technology

We produce our own unique products and also have established many collaborations with major brands, manufacturers, processors and retailers to develop food and beverage products both highly marketable and globally sustainable.

These collaborations are a major part of Innovitality’s business – we license our proprietary formulations, Trade Secret Natural Technology and build close working relations. Our combined exposure, contacts and customers in the Wellness arena delivers competitive pricing and supply.

We are frequently hired to develop products with specific flavor and nutritional profiles. We can do a single product or a complete category line of products. The size and scope of the projects are reflected in the fee base.

Collaboration to Create

Several of the top Fortune 500 Food & Beverage companies use or source External Product Development from Innovitality Foods LLC. We have collaborated with top tier brands in various product categories that range from Frozen Foods, Baked and Snack Foods, Confectionary, Diet/Weight Loss/Weight Control and Aseptic Ready to Drink offerings.

All product development fully embraces the Health & Wellness category of Food & Beverage that has seen sales growth of 65% in the Grocery channel during 2011 (per Supermarket News Whole Health Winter 2011). We have commissioned co-manufactures through out North America and the EU that support product sales in Mass, Grocery, Convenience, Drug and Specialty Channels in most major global markets including Asia, Australia, North and South America and Europe.

Let Us Hear from You

Find out more about what we do and how we can work together to create more nutritional and highly competitive products. Send us your comments/questions and we’ll start the dialogue.

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